Airbus Helicopters AS350 & 355 series Spray System

Simplex Model 210


Eurocopter AS350 and 355 agricultural aerial spray system Simplex model 210 Spray System for the AS350 and 355.

Simplex Aerospace Model 210 Spray System for the Airbus Helicopters AS350 & 355 series.


The system consists of a belly-mounted carbon fiberglass tank, which holds 1,007 liters (266 gallons) of liquid. The forward mounted boom has a standard width of 8 meters (25 ft) or optional width of 9 meters (29 ft). Other features include an electrically driven spray pump and motor, and optional rotary atomizers and flow meter.

Airbus Helicopters AS350 (H125) and 355 Spray System brochure
Simplex Aerospace Model 210
Model 210 Airbus 350 355 Series, H125 S[...]
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