McDonnell Douglas 500 Spray System

Simplex Model 8500


Helicopter aerial agicultural spray system Simplex model 8500 for McDonald Douglas MD500 operated by the South African Police Simplex Aerospace Spray System model 8500 for the MD500. Operated by the South African Police.
Simplex Aerospace Spray System Model 8500 for the MD500. Operated by Heli Mistral.

Simplex Aerospace Model 8500 Spray System for the MD 500. The system consists of a belly-mounted composite tank, which holds 341 liters/90 gallons of liquid. The forward mounted boom has a standard width of 8 meters (27 ft) or optional width of 11 meters (35 ft). Other features include an electrically driven spray pump and motor, and flow meter.

Simplex model 8500 Spray System
Brochure for the Simplex Model 8500 Spray System for the Hughes 369 Series and MD500 N
Model 8500 Hughes 369 Series, MD500 N Sp[...]
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